Basurde Xiao Long

Announcing the iMovie Club @AES

Video (30¨)


Good news for the new school year: bye bye iPads, welcome MacBooks. In your computers you have a wonderful program to edit videos, iMovie. In this club we will learn how to create fantastic clips, learning tricks from each other.


Tuesdays 3:45 to 5pm @M-212


1 comentario

Basurde -

-Queridos estudiantes, bienvenidos al nuevo curso escolar 2021-22, este año vais a tener todos un Mac, que trae el programa iMovies. En este club vamos a aprender a usarlo mejor, ¿vale? ¿Algo más que decir?
-No, solo eso, apúntate que nos vamos a divertir.
-Vale, esperamos veros en el club, hasta pronto.


-Dear students, welcome to the new school year 2021-22 and all of you are going to have a Macintosh this time. This Macintosh bring the program iMovie. So in this club what we are going to do is to learn to use it better, OK? Anything else to say?
-No, that is, just join us and we are going to have a lot of fun editing videos.
-OK, we hope you join the club, see you soon!