Donations #indonesiantarctic42k: Spain vs. ¨Rest of the World¨

Good news! This week we reached 1/3 of the goal of raising 12,000$ for two NGOs in Indonesia: Kupu-Kupu Foundation + Harapan Project.
25 more days for the Antarctic Ice Marathon, 25 more days to donate!
I have been living overseas for the last 16 years of my life.
Because of that, when I started this fundraiser I was interested in seeing if most of the donations would come from my Spanish buddies or from my foreign friends.
As of today 4,035$ has been raised:
- Spain = 3,219$ (80%)
- Rest of the world = 816$ (20%)
Would that change in the next 4 weeks? I hope so! Go ¨Rest of the world¨! :-)
If you want to donate but you don´t know how please send me a message and I will let you know.
1 comentario
#indonesiantarctic42k -
- 2,053.83 euros (=2.256.21$)
- 610 dollars
- 4.620.000 rupiahs (353.39$)
Rest of the world:
- 0 euros
- 625 dollars
- 2.500.000 rupiahs (191.22$)
Total = 4,035 dollars
- Spain = 80% (3.219$)
- Rest of the world = 20% (816$)