Basurde Xiao Long

Tutorial para la descarga de exámenes de muestra y audios para Lengua B y ab initio (primeros exámenes 2020)

Tutorial para la descarga de exámenes de muestra y audios para Lengua B y ab initio (primeros exámenes 2020)

Hoy me he entretenido creando un tutorial para mis colegas profesores de segundas lenguas en el Diploma del Bachillerato Internacional.


Dear Colleagues,


The IB has recently uploaded in the resource center Language B and ab initio speciments and audio files, for first exams 2020.

I have prepared this brief tutorial in case it is useful for other teachers.

-This is not an official IB document.

-To go over it you will need your IB passwords (otherwise you will not be able to access the links)

-This document is intented for Mac users. If you have Windows the extraction of the audio file will be different.

-For the example I downloaded files for the subject English B SL. But for ab initio is pretty similar. If you want to find other languages (Spanish, French, etc.) you will need to change the language in the resource center.


Best Regards,

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