Indonesia Antarctic 42K (English)

Dear friends.
It is my intention to participate in the next edition of the Antarctic Ice Marathon on November 24, 2016. Previously I have run marathons in 6 continents and running this one in Antarctica I would enter ¨The 7 Continents Marathon Club¨, reserved for runners who have completed the 26.2 miles in each of the 7 continents.
Through this event I would like to raise awareness and funds for two Spanish NGOs that are doing an extraordinary job in Indonesia. In the section ¨Solidarity Project¨ of this Website
you can learn about the wonderful job being done by the Harapan Project and the Kupu-Kupu Foundation.
I am admired by the initiatives of Carlos Ferrándiz and Begoña López, the founders of these NGOs, who one day decided to take a radical turn in their lives to make a difference helping others. And for that mission they need our financial support. I hope that together we can give them a hand. I am not asking for big donations, but many small donations become something important that will go to the right hands. Thank you Carlos and Begoña for your dedication and thanks friends for your donations!
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